Thursday, June 26, 2014

Telling the truth

I can't tell the truth if you're going beat the shit out of me if I do.

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

You wouldn't know.

You wouldn't know.
(Lily H., not Jerome Kern)

dessein de l'interieur d'une coupe ou est representee Cassandre 440 B.C.E. (Louvre)

You wouldn't know that African-Americans were so heroic if you spent any time waiting for a bus in Seattle on 3rd Avenue between Pike and Pine.

-Lily H.

Quel destin attend-t-on?

Le 23 mai 1498, Jérôme Savonarole est pendu et brûlé à Florence, sur la place de la Seigneurie.

Saturday, June 14, 2014

I never thought of myself as a "cultured" person until...

Growing up in the counter-culture 1960s, where academic discipline at many colleges and universities became lax,
I never thought of myself as a particularly cultured person.

But I woke up in the 21st century, looked around and listened to the yammering that passed for conversation,
and then I realized it was all relative.

Schubert was not the name of an ice cream or gelato:  this much I knew.

-Lily H.

Friday, June 13, 2014

Male cats howl continually if they are not

It wasn't just  Maggie, it was Brick, too.

As I understand, male cats howl continually if not spayed--and thus can be a major pain in the ass.

In our society, machismo and violence of all kinds (not just gun violence) is endemic.

We, gay or straight, would do well to learn from our feline brethren.

-Lily H.