Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Voyager, c'est...

"Voyager c'est croire que la distance amenera de la profondeur."

Sylvain Tesson

Friday, July 28, 2017

H is for...

“capital H letter”的图片搜索结果

"Honesty" and "Health" have more than the first letter in common.

=Lily H.

Sunday, May 28, 2017

Apres le G-7 en mai 2017 (Angela Merkel)

"Six contre un."
(Angela Merkel  5.27.17)

Une grande part des Americains s'en fichent completement.

Saturday, May 6, 2017

Desperation, 21st century-style

":Most men lead lives of quiet desperation. "    
Henry David Thoreau (1817- 1862)

 "Most people lead lives of loud desperation.*
-Lily H.,

 * (Americans, Chinese, Mexicans, Germans,...even the French or the Thai..) 


Tuesday, April 25, 2017

What is watching self-flagellation supposed to produce in the persons who witness it?

"Do white liberals in the United States ever get tired of self-flagellation for the sins of slavery and its aftermath?

NO, they do not."

-an American liberal

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Who the hell is Savaronola? (Don't ask a millennial or an American).

The problem is that there are too many Savaronolas  today running around.  

And they're not just right.

And they're not just on the right.


The gang-up effect of Twitter and other social media (Charlotte Rampling knows about this).

What kind of courage does it take to throw a rock at , or pillory, another  person speaking his or her conscience when hundreds--nay, millions--are already doing it?

-Lily H.


I didn't know what time it was (is).

I never thought the 1950's would come back so soon, in full force.

Where there were commies, now there are racists (white) who need to be ferreted out wherever they hide, punished, and ostracized, for they are the pre-eminent threat to our society.

-Lily H.

"How sharper than a serpent's tooth it is
To have a thankless child!"

Monday, April 17, 2017

Le Clezio sur l'ecrivain

"Les ecrivains sont des petites choses qui se cassent facilement."

Jean-Marie Le Clezio dans un inteview de La Grande Librairie avec Frederic Bushnel, 2008


Saturday, April 15, 2017

The friendly skies of United

Which part of


didn't you understand?


 Georgia 2 days ago

I agree completely, and Oscar Munoz would be smart to recognize that what happened in Chicago was in many ways a reflection of ingrained cultural differences at United. Those of us who have flown extensively over the years have long known that the prevailing attitude among United employees is "Which part of No didn't you understand".

What happened on 3411 could have happened on any airline - it's just that it was more likely to happen on United


Saturday, April 1, 2017

Everything's you've got's about right, but.... (Bob Merrill)

Everything's you've got's about right,

But the damned thing don't come out right...

(So forget it, kid, and just resign!

If a girl isn't pretty,

If a girl isn't pretty,

She should just get a job

Just get any job

And get a weekly pay

'Cause if a girl isn't pretty

Like a Miss Atlantic City,

She's a real Miss Nobody


Eddie Meehan to Fanny Brice in
"Funny Girl," a musical play (music by Jule Styne, lyrics by Bob Merrill).

Two means of refuge

There are two means of refuge from the miseries of life: music and cats. 

(Albert Schweitzer)

quotation courtesy of David Michie, The Dalai Lama's Cat

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

L'energie de l'habitude


"Roulez lentement:  je suis presse."

(Winston Church a son chauffeur)

  1. Merci a Soeur Dao Nghiem du Village des Cerisiers


Friday, February 17, 2017

L'homme est un prison

L’homme est une prison où l’âme reste libre.

-Victor Hugo

Zen teachers

I don't think he would be offended by this.

I've had many Zen teachers in the past, but I keep going back to  my cat, the Zen teacher par excellence, not necessarily the best but the one whose presence I enjoy the most.

"Stay in the present moment," s/he wordlessly says to and reminds me,  "That's where I am."

-my cats

"You make me smile with my heart."
-Lorenz Hart

A Zen teacher can say this but only my cats have lived this so marvelously.

The night

Sometimes you have to work at night when most people are fast asleep...and when and where there is no light at all.  

-Lily H., with a debt to Djuana Barnes, Nightwood and to Goya, Los Caprichos

T & M (and T): Trauma and Medusa and Teacher

Michelangelo da Merisi

It is how we respond to a traumatic event which determines whether trauma will be a cruel and punishing Medusa turning us into stone, or whether it will be a spiritual teacher...

Peter Levine, Waking the Tiger, Healing Trauma